Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Reality Schmality

No one really likes reality. It's that cold, hard, concrete floor we have all been forced to lay against. It's the brutal hit to the ego when we realize that all of our childhood dreams of becoming rock stars, super models, millionaires, novelists (whatever floats your boat!), are just that; they are dreams: fantasies that we have let slip to the side over basic needs to survive. We look at our lives and say, yes, I really want to be a rock star, but I really want to eat more and I've grown rather fond of having a roof over my head... it's not a bad decision. It's just how the cards fall. 

People like me, (GO SOLIPSISM!), only vaguely recognize reality in the truest sense of the word, and often this creates arguments. If I don't truly believe in reality how can I not reach for the stars? Does it even matter? My answer is a resounding yes and I'll explain why. Now for those who don't read about obscure belief systems, solipsism is a philosophical belief that only ones mind truly exists and everything outside of that is unjustified (does not to probably does not exist independently). Now, I'm only down with the theory of solipsism and even the belief has varying measures (from extreme to less extreme). For me, nothing can be proven, thus nothing can be dis-proven. My own existence is questionable simply for the fact that no one can empirically prove that I exists here in this form, and I'm not some brain in a jar or computer program. Along the lines of the Inception theory, I believe that what we experience innately becomes our reality. Whether we are dreaming, floating in a jar of formaldehyde, or are merely a collection of bytes and chips programed one way or another, what I feel I experience is my reality and thus I live by it. So why does any of it matter if it might not exist? Because the only "truth" is my experience. Thus whatever that experience may be is in a sense my entire world.

How does this affect you? How does my insanity affect you. Well, to be perfectly honest, it probably wont. For all I know you are just reflections of me...I've created you to read this mundane blog to boost my sad little ego a bit and make me feel like some day I could be a big time blogger, or maybe get published! Or maybe you do all exist, and you read my mental diarrhea and sigh, annoyed with the fact that you read this, unsure as to why you continue to punish yourself by following word after ridiculous word, shaking your head, cursing yourself--but still reading. 

Again I don't know if anyone else exists, it doesn't bother me. I hope you all exist. I hope there is a tangible reality that I can rest my head upon at night, but I'll be okay if I am merely a brain in a jar with electrode stimulators causing me to---


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