Last Friday, before this silly little netbook came down with a horrendous virus, I was preparing to write this. Then came virus-gate 2011, and a few hours of geekdom...voila! The problem was fixed, but my energy to write was gone. Today, however, I feel that spark again, so, I'll continue.
On April 22, 2011, my school's paper had an interesting article; Put down the tweezers boys, it's time to become men. I read it and laughed because it was so true. Written by a man, the article looks at how so many men have become effeminate, delicate, pretty. This is especially sad for girls like me who grew up with Clint Eastwood and John Wayne - rugged men who were rough, tough, surly, hairy, manly-men! The only time you'd see them in any state of regard was when a lady was present. Granted, I'm no kind of a lady, but that's another story entirely - we're talking men today (again).
So, where have all the men gone? My parents seem to think they still exist. (Then again, my parents think some 6'6" sports playing, good christian boy is just waiting for me so he can sweep me off my feet...I keep telling them he's either taken, gay, both, or a moron that I'd have NOTHING IN COMMON WITH, but I digress...) Now-a-days, men spend time waxing their eyebrows, tanning, wearing makeup ( who wear makeup), who manscape, shave their chests, wear clothes worth more than my entire wardrobe combined (and probably tighter too!), who can't take the same shit they kick around, who have become, in truth, these shadows of men with the only thing verifying their masculinity is the lump of flesh between their shaved legs. They lotion up, spend half an hour on their hair, wear jewelery, and skinny jeans, and girls like me are suppose to look to these "men" and swoon(?). I don't think so.
How about a man, who wears jeans and a tee-shirt, knows not to be an emo-little girl, who doesn't wear jewelry and doesn't take longer than me to get ready? I can be up, showered, and put together - out the door in an hour. I'm talking makeup, hair, clothes, whole 9 yards of readiness in an hour. I know men who take longer than that. Who's jeans and shirts are tighter than mine. Maybe it's just me, but I'm looking for a man, not a drag queen (no offense to the drag queens, I think they're fabulous, I just don't want to date them). I want a man who can get dirty, work hard, and not care if his manicure is going to get messed up. I don't know if they exist anymore, especially not in California. Maybe I'm just too picky. Or, maybe...and this is purely hypothetical...maybe men have just softened up a little too much, like ice cream left out of the freezer...for a day.
So, to all the pantie-waists out there, I'm not sharing my tampons and midol with you, you 13 year old girl. If you go tanning, have more hair products that I do, get mani-pedis, and wear tighter clothes than I do...could you guys get a commune in Arizona or something? If I was attracted to women I'd date them. Man up.
Here's the link to the article that inspired this rant, and might just back me up:
Yanno, I actually have to disagree with you here. While I too am attracted sexually to men who are big and strong, have body hair and own it instead of removing it, men who fix things, get dirty, and don't cry if they get hurt, I also don't mind men that shave their chests or wear makeup. I think society has too many rules as it is. If a guy feels better about himself because he covered a pimple with concealer and wore some eyeliner, sure I'll think it's silly, and if he's a close relation of mine, I will bust his balls for it, but he has every right and I encourage him to do so. Sure, I think a man in designer jeans is ridiculous, but I think the same of a woman in designer jeans. Gender role stereotypes are why there are such big issues with the LGBT community, and to a great extent the reason I think modern straight folks are having such troubles in relationships now. We don't all want to be cookie-cutter stay-at-home moms who have dinner prepared for our bread-winning men when they return home from their long day at work. Nor do men all want to have to be the bread-winners, having a wife who stays at home all day for whom he provide and also protect. some guys like sequins. Some chicks like flannel. As long as the world is still telling me what I can and can't do in my free time, in my relationships, or with my reproductive organs, to say the least, I say a little glitter never hurt anyone...
ReplyDeleteUnless that shit gets in your eye. What a BITCH!