Monday, April 11, 2011

Just a Bad Date

One bad date. I know, I really ought not complain. I was a really horrible attempt at a first date...but in a sense, it's not just this one date - it's the fact that this date, this one guy (shudder) represents a very large portion of my options. And it's just a little more than concerning. 

Okay, so what made this date so bad? Dude invited me bowling. My cardinal rule for dating is DRIVE YOURSELF, especially for the first few dates. So, I drive the 20 freaking minutes to the bowling alley, and when I get there he tells me, oh, sorry, they are having a league night. No open bowling until 9:30.  It was 6:30. Great. Instantly I know this guy: doesn't give a shit, didn't plan ahead, and doesn't care. That's not even mentioning the initial first impression. 

Though we had scheduled bowling, I had changed my shirt so it was cute, not too revealing, but flattering, thrown a light and semi trendy jacket over that, put on a pair of my nicer jeans, done my makeup and hair and brushed my teeth before leaving the house. It's a first date, I wanted to look nice. He, on the other hand, did not get the same memo. He was wearing a wrinkled tee-shirt, jeans and a hoodie. Although his breath was not rancid, it was more than apparent that he had not brushed his teeth, as there was nothing minty-fresh about it, and not even a small squirt of cologne. This is how he shows up to a first date. (He also failed to pay me even a small and, possibly, insincere compliment about how I looked...nothing!) 

Okay, whatever, he doesn't care how he looks, fine. He suggests we go to the beach front party section of town (another 20 minute drive) and get some dinner instead. Alright, some points gained back, at least the guy can think on his feet.  I follow him to the spot, parking is hellatious because it's Saturday night, but we park our cars and walk the mile to the restaurant, fine. The "restaurant" was a bar that served burgers and beer. It was loud, packed, the food was decent. He starts talking (he really didn't stop the entire time). He tells me his political views, what he thinks about the war (I'm positive I shared that I had been a Marine...) he even tells me that he didn't graduate high school because he was arrested his junior year for selling opiates (pain meds). Wow, way to impress a girl. (I'm also certain I told him, whilst a Marine, I was Military Police).  In short (after 3 paragraphs) we arrived at the restaurant a little after 7, and I was home shortly after 8. Probably the most appalling acting he took, was after the very short "date", I received a text message, wherein he asked for "sexy pics". ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!??! You (him) can't even put yourself together and make a plan for a date, can't even tell me I look nice, but you want friggen "sexy pics"? AWH HELL NO!  --That was my "date". 

So, why is this an omen for all men? Because, lets face it. This guy is a very obvious example of what mankind (specifically my generation) has come to: desires rewards, loathes effort. They do not want to date, they do not want to sacrifice, they do not want to have to change certain behaviors: in fact others should change to suit them better, not the other way around. They want all the rewards life has to offer: the good job, the attractive-obedient-sexually-voracious girl friend, the money, the power--and none of the work to get there. They don't want to study and work their asses off to get the degree to get the crap job that they'll again have to work their asses off at to eventually work their way up to the  good job. They don't want to have to brush their teeth, occasionally work out, and think of another human being in order to have the perfect girl-friend who will actually stay with them for more than a few months. They don't want to. And to a sad extent, they simply wont. 

Though the cynical and jaded part of my soul believes that men like this probably either don't exist, do but are taken, or are gay, I sincerely hope that there are some out there, if not for myself, then for society as a whole. We cannot advance without work, and so many refuse to work.

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