Monday, February 4, 2013

Waking up to Reality

How easy it is to become swept away in your own life. In the simplicities and complexities of mere existence. I realize that I have failed to post anything new in quite some time, I'd like to say that it was a product of self preservation during times of duress, but I feel that wouldn't be wholly accurate; I have been totally preoccupied with life: the moments of exaltation and of drama, of dreams and failures.
I have survived my time in Beauty School, though my feeling of it haven't truly changed.
I have lost my title of "spinster", and become an honorable woman, married and all.
I have completed my most recent foray into education, and have woken up in the cold of reality, where jobs are scarce, where houses are hard to come by, where income fails to come in, where the life you'd planned so carefully for is suddenly far from your reach, and the real hard work must begin.
As a child, life seems so planned out.
You grow up
you go to college
you graduate
you get a job
you get married
you buy a house
you have children
These instructions seem obvious, seem simple, so, you go through the motions:
You do grow up
You do go to college
you do graduate
you even manage to get married...
you apply for a job
you apply for another job
and another job
and another
You wait...
And nothing happens.
The downfall of the economy, the dreaded recession, and suddenly folks recently out of college are not experienced enough, they don't have the right skills...they don't get the jobs. Jobs require experience, jobs wont hire you unless you have it. How do you get a job if you need experience but can't get hired?
Suddenly life gets real. It gets hard. Your ultimate plans are suddenly unobtainable.
And you freeze. You panic. You breathe. You reevaluate.
You keep going. Welcome to your new reality.

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