Dear Mr. Santorum,
I have been following the GOP campaign trail for some time now, and I must say, I'm getting a little upset with your theories regarding women. First and foremost let me explain that I am a 25 year old woman who served as a Military Police Officer in the United States Marine Corps, I am 6 feet tall and not built like some willowy, fragile super model, I can hold my own. I was trained at Perris Island, South Carolina with a program that mirrors the training male Marines undergo, and upon entering MP school, I trained right along side with the boys.
Though you have made many comments regarding women, women's rights, homosexuality, family, and religion, the first that I will discuss is the comment that came to light today regarding women in combat positions [].
Now, I understand you were never willing to put your life on the line for your country and your convictions like so many other Americans have. I know that you have never experienced the camaraderie, the pride, or the challenge of being in the Armed Services. Men and women of all services train, work, and fight together everyday. The emotions that are felt towards one another are most often those of a family - brothers and sisters, and they fight to ensure the person to their left and right survives. Emotionality regarding gender is out of the question, you are fighting for yourself and the people on either side of you. Period. Having said that, I would invite you to spend a day in their shoes, training the way they do, the way I did. I invite you to drag your body through sand and mud, run miles, carry heavily weighted packs, and solve complex problems on very little food and less sleep. I welcome you to experience the true emotionality of war.
As far as your beliefs on women's reproductive rights go, and forgive me for saying so, but, when was the last time you had a uterus? When was the last time you could have been raped and left with a lifetime reminder - a piece of the rapist - growing inside of you? I mean, if you disagree with contraception and abortion that is your right, however my body is my right. You can claim that life begins at conception, but if that "life" is, for all intents and purposes, a parasite living off and within me then it is my choice. If you are against abortion, don't get one. If you're against contraception, don't use it. But, please, don't limit and punish my gender simply for having the organs that carry the fetus. They are our bodies, and carrying a fetus puts us at risk too. When science allows men to be the incubators, then you can decide for yourselves.
Now, as for your stance on gay marriage. First, how can love destroy the sanctity of marriage? 43-50% of traditional marriages end in divorce...doesn't that destroy the sanctity of marriage far more than two men in love would? Moreover, homosexuality was prevalent in many historical societies. Ancient Romans, for example, felt that women were so far below men that they should only be touched and used for procreation, out side of those events, men kept the company (very physical company, might I add) of other men, and often took a younger male as an apprentice who would often fulfill the older males physical needs. If we are going strictly by the Bible, is that nice suit of yours made of more than one type of fabric? Have you ever eaten lobster? Those are against the rules too according to your doctrine. Plus, we can forget about that whole "abortion-for-rapees" thing, because, again, according to your book, if that happens, the girl must marry her rapist (really, it's full of fun facts! Did you know we can own slaves??).
Basically, what I'm trying to tell you is that thinking before speaking is a lovely phenomenon, and researching your stance before proselytizing is a wonderful thing to do, and oh-so-educational! Lastly, if you dislike that your name has become this: "Santorum 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex", then stop acting like a bigoted, closed-minded, and arrogant politician who is only running for President to enact laws according to their religiosity - it's freedom of religion, not "Santorum's Religion as Law".
Yours truly,
E.C. Keehn
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