Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Generation of Fail

Generation Me, born anywhere from 1982 until the present, the toxic mold that has taken over the planet. We are known for feeling like we are special and achieving, we are the children of Baby Boomers who pushed for the increase in childhood self-esteem. We were told we could be anything we wanted to be when we grew up, we were encouraged to reach for the stars. Our schools implemented programs that emphasized self-centeredness and narcissism and that felt that creating positive atmospheres for children were more important that correcting mistakes. We are the generation without manners, we don't use phrases like please, thank you, or excuse me. We are demanding and impatient. We have been raised by technology and become abhorrently dependent on it, we lack self-control, we are dishonest, and we lack a full grasp on reality.

Now I use the term "we" very loosely, technically I am a member of this generation, to date it is my greatest shame. I don't really feel like I belong in this generation, at least not wholly. If this is the one time I hope it, I hope that being raised where and how I was saved me from these disgraceful generational traits. But here I am, online, writing in my blog, to bitch about my issues with this generation...so perhaps, in part I must take some of their character traits on myself, but still mainly feel proudly apart from this sad culture of fail. 

My question is: who the hell thought this was a good idea?? I mean did one day in high school some of the Boomers just get together and decided that what went epically wrong with their generation was a lack of imposed (versus earned) self-esteem? They just all decided that raising children who believed that they were so inherently awesome that simply by existing they had succeeded. I mean, where, and on what planet, does that even kind of seem like a good idea? I read somewhere that low self-esteem was your way of knowing you could be doing better, and I can't help but applaud whomever spoke (or wrote) those words. Many that I have met through out my travels through schools, states, and jobs, seem to believe that they do not to work for their fulfillment, they are inherently fulfilled, which, when boiled down, just means they are fucking lazy and arrogant (studies have supported this...).

Now, I grew up in a household where you earned any and all esteem. If you wanted to feel good about yourself you'd better work your ass off and do well. I wasn't told I could be anything, I was told that many of my dreams were unrealistic, and yes, it hurt, but it was the truth and I learned from it. I shudder to think that more children are being brought up with this feel-good-bullshit and thus will only further the ineptness and lackadaisical attitudes of generations to come.

I apologize to any of my 5 readers that are, by birth year, a member of this shitastic generation, but have managed to maintain a work ethic and sense of reality, I know there are some of us out there! We just need to start beating the fail out of the rest of them.

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